lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

"Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse?" - Bruce Springsteen.
I think Bruce refers 'a dream' as those things we really wish to happen or accomplish and not to the dream while we are sleeping. It's difficult to set a difference between them because at least in my case, in many opportunities my sleeping dream becomes my 'dream' (I really want them to happen). As I thought this line of Bruce's song The River is not simple to analyze. Even abstracting it from the whole lyric, this is what I'm trying to do; Now!
Let's say then that 'dream' is what you really wish and its not easy to reach. In this case you will do whatever you can to reach it because it's what you wish most at the time, that is something so perfect, divine, incredible or meaningfull to you that an external force seems to move you. If you have succes your dream may become true and you will live some glory days. Maybe you have to be a long long time waiting on a sunny day but that is not a problem, while that sunny day arrives. But when it don't arrive, what happens? You have spent a lot of your time and effort into your dream and maybe you never make it true. But let me tell you something, that dream where you put all your effort and time available and doesn't become true, will not be a lie. Always that you do whatever you can and give the best of you in it that shouldn't be a lie. That's true, its a pity that you don't reach your dream but you can rest with your mind in peace.
The lie would be if you have a dream and just don't do nothing to reach it. And then cry or complain because it didn't come true, there is the lie, in no doing nothing and then complain. Why are you complaining? You must do something while you can, get it while you can as Janis said. This could be the last train and you must jump into it if you want to reach something, or are you going to stay sitting and waiting for your dreams come to you? This may be possible, maybe the 1% or 5% (Nidea) of the dreams come true without doing nothing. But this dream that you reach without effort I'm sure that it doesn't mean the same as if you would have done your best effort in it. Its a different taste, like when you cook something it also has a special taste, this is your taste, not anyones else. It also has something to do maybe with Lo Artesanal. You may reach your dream via-artesanal or maybe just forget Lo Artesanal and sit and wait and someone else will do the effort for you and you stay cool. I have to say that in many cases I don't only feel pity about those people who forget Lo Artesanal, other negative feelings come into me I can't explain. So going back to Bruce's phrase, Your dream that doesn't come true but you gave the best effort into it its not a lie and obviously it isn't something worse. But those dreams that don't come true because you don't do nothing about them, those are the lies, that dream was a lie then, you didn't want it to happen and if you really wanted to happen but you still didn't move a finger then its the 'something worse', you don't only forget Lo Artesanal, you don't care about your dreams at all. Although I could keep writing about this phrase for a long long time its not what I want, I wanted to analyze it and try to explain it from my mind, my head. I must move on and;
You gotta ........ on!

Janis Joplin Biografía

19/01/1943 Janis Lyn Joplin nació y fue criada en Port Arthur, Texas, el sur de una pequeña ciudad de industria petrolera, que gravitan a intereses artísticos cultivados por los padres Seth y Dorothy Joplin. Desde allí encabezó una triunfante y tumultuosa vida bendecida por el talento innato para transmitir emociones a través del poderoso rock-and-roll que cantaba de corazon.

Janis rompió con las tradiciones sociales locales durante los días de tensión por la integración racial, la defensa de los derechos de los afroamericanos, cuya segregación en su ciudad natal forjaron los ideales de su juventud. Como estudiante de la Universidad de Texas escogió el camino no-tradicional siguiendo las artes y literatura y especialmente la música. Comenzó a cantar en una banda en cafés y bares locales de Texas y luego fue a otros estados. Su música era folk-jazz y blues. En estas giras comenzó su vida on-the-edge, Janis en Alta creatividad, pero casi pierde a sí misma en los experimentos con las drogas y el alcohol, sobre todo la velocidad.
Al año volvió a casa pero no se sintio comoda en la universidad y acepto una audición en San Francisco y paso a ser la Voz del oscuro grupo llamado "Big Brother and the Holding Company."
Ella encontró una vital comunidad (hippy) en San Francisco y turned upside down by the flower children of 1966.

Big Brother fue creciendo en popularidad y su disco "Cheap Thrills" fue publicado en Agosto, 1968 y en seguida fue disco de oro gracias a los hits "Piece of My heart" and "Summertime." La banda tocaba para mucha gente y pasaron a presentarse "Janis Joplin with Big Brother and the Holding Company." Con el aumento de fama y dinero, empezaron a consumir drogas de alto precio--->alto riesgo tambien; llevaron a peleas y malas performances que llevo a que en la navidad de 1968 la banda se separe y Janis formó un nuevo grupo más orientado hacia el blues y en Setiembre, 1969 lanzó un nuevo disco "I Got Dem 'Ol Kozmic Blues Again, Mama" que fue más aceptado en europa que en eeuu. El consumo de drogas y alcohol no paró y finalmente Janis dejo las drogas? y formó su 3er banda, "Full Tilt Boogie Band" con un sonido más profesional y popular. Finalmente parecía encontrar su estilo unico de 'white blues'. Nunca se la vió tan feliz por su música. Mientras grababa el proximo nuevo disco "Pearl" volvió a consumir heroína, y con una dosis más fuerte que la normal, el 4 de Octubre de 1970 tuvo sobredosis en un motel en Los Angeles a la edad de 27 años. *
*Basado en la Biografía hecha por Laura Joplin